Moorings for sale or rent: listings

For any enquiries about moorings listed here for sale or rent, please contact the owner directly. The council is not acting as agents, we are only providing a listing service. Please do not contact the council or ring the hotline for further information about a listing.


The council takes no responsibility for the accuracy of this information. We also rely on mooring holders to advise us when moorings have been sold or rented.

Apply to sell or rent a mooring

Complete this form for a free six-month listing on our site to sell or rent your mooring.
Moorings for sale or rent: application form


Showing: All Sale Types, All Locations, Price $0 to $100,000, Min Vessel Length: All Lengths, Age: All
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Showing 1 to 15 of 49
Showing 1 to 15 of 49