Website Alerts via Email (when pages are added or changed)
What is this service?
You can register to receive updates from our website direct to your email inbox.
Every time we add information to the following sections of our site you will be sent an email with links in it to the updated information.
It will save you having to check our website to find out when news items have been added or when particular documents will be available for you to have your say.
How do I get this service?
You can choose to receive updates from all of these sections (below) or just one, then use the button to sign up.
What can I sign up for?
Stories showcasing people and organisations working to protect and enhance our unique environment.
Read our stories in the online magazine
Receive updates when changes are made to our Freshwater Plan Change information.
Find out more about the Freshwater Plan Change
Get sent an email when a job vacancy is advertised.
Find out about working with us in the careers section
Notification when council and committee meeting agendas are posted on the website.
Get an email from us when a resource consent is publicly notified so you can have your say.
Get an email when major changes are made to the New Regional Plan project.
Go to the new regional plan section
We'll be sorry to see you go, but if you no longer wish to receive updates, please unsubscribe using the links in the last email alert that you received.