Boating in Northland 2024-2025
This booklet has a range of information to help keep you safe while you're out enjoying Northland's unique coastal environment.
A guide to safe boating in our waters with minimal impact on the environment.
Published: 01 Jul 2024
Tide tables for Northland's harbours.
Contact information for issues on the water.
Introduction to the Boating in Northland booklet.
Special calls are used in cases of distress and urgency and must be properly understood and used.
Channel information for Coastguard, maritime radio stations and marinas.
Golden rules for boating, and boat safety checklist.
Be considerate and always check the effects of your wake.
What you must do when boating near ships.
How you can help stop the spread of exotic caulerpa.
Under local rules, there are some areas you need to steer clear of in Whangārei Harbour.
See restrictions for the inner Bay of Islands.
Rāhui tapu marine protected areas are in place in Northland.
Wave buoy positions - Whangārei approaches.
Things to check when anchoring.
How to cross one of Northland's bar harbours safely.
Find out when you need to fly a dive flag.
Marine sewage and rubbish disposal information.
Preventing fuel and oil spills.