
Emergency services funding allocated

A rescue helicopter trust and surf lifesavers are among six recipients from our latest round of Emergency Services Fund grants.

The council, through its Long Term Plan process, has decided to continue with the Emergency Services Fund (ESF) for the next three financial years.

Ratepayers contribute about $12 each a year, creating a fund (the ESF) to support organisations whose primary purpose is to save lives that are in immediate or critical danger, in the Northland region.

2019 Our New Northland Rescue ChopperFor each of the following three financial years, the emergency services rate raises an estimated actual collection of $982,000. (Of this, $10,000 will go towards emergency services related promotion and community engagement, leaving $972,000 per year available to allocate.)

As part of the Long Term Plan process, council held a workshop in June to hear presentations from emergency service providers and discuss how the ESF should be allocated for the next three financial years.

Based on the presentations and discussion at the workshop, the following allocations have since been confirmed:

  • Northland Emergency Services Trust - $535,000 annually to support the provision of helicopter rescue and ambulance services and necessary helicopter upgrades.
  • Surf Life Saving Northern Region - $224,000 annually to provide professional lifeguard services in six key Northland locations during the peak holiday period.
  • St John Northern Region - $90,000 annually to support and train volunteers to participate in their life-saving services.
  • Coastguard Northern Region - $84,000 annually to support their ongoing life-saving maritime rescue services in Northland.
  • Far North & Northland Land Search and Rescue - $30,000 jointly annually towards purchasing life-saving equipment and training for volunteers.
  • Far North Radio and Sea Rescue - $9000 annually to support the radio service, in particular, its continued search and rescue and emergency response.