Health and safety contractor resources

This information provides contractors and sub-contractors of the Northland Regional Council (NRC) with an outline of the basic requirements for health and safety.

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, the council must ensure that contractors and sub-contractors who are engaged in paid work perform their duties with due regard to health and safety and we undertake due diligence.

Contract conditions

The awarding of contracts by the council is determined not only on the criteria of price and technical ability, but also on the current ability of those tendering to carry out planned work safely and without health risk or harm.

No company shall enter into a contract arrangement with the Northland Regional Council without first having provided sufficient information and documentation to assure the council that there are satisfactory health and safety systems in place.

Failure to provide sufficient information may result in contractors being removed or excluded from the council tender process and result in exclusion from providing services to the council . The Northland Regional Council has a pre-qualification system and use SiteWise to manage this.

What is SiteWise?

SiteWise’s independent system grades a contractor’s health and safety capability by reviewing your documentation and processes against set criteria.

Read - 'Information for contractors on SiteWise pre-qualification' (PDF 168 KB) (PDF, 169KB)

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Health and safety handbook for contractors and sub-contractors

This handbook covers all the necessary information to guide you through the process of getting approved and undertaking work with us.

Who do you talk to at the regional council?

Each contractor who provides services to the council will have a designated contact person assigned to them. This person will have the skills to advise you and will be responsible for promoting and ensuring that all health and safety requirements are complied with under the scope of the contract.

Men wearing hard hats and high viz vests.Everyone has an important role in contributing to a safe working environment.