Northland | Forward Together

‘Northland | Forward Together’  is the collective work programme for all four Northland councils to work together to deliver better outcomes for Northland and its people.

The Northland Chief Executives’ Forum and the Northland Mayoral Forum retain oversight of the programme. However, all the elected members of the four Northland councils meet three times a year to be kept up to date with progress and abreast of new developments.

The current priority projects are Four Waters, Waste Management and Climate Change.

Highlights to date

Successes to date include collaborative local body election campaigns, civil defence shared services, Northland One Voice Collaboration, joint procurement/contracts, LIDAR capture for all of Northland, development of a regional GIS viewer, active recreation/sports facilities and the establishment of the Joint Regional Economic Development Committee to complement the move to joint ownership of Northland Inc

The foundation document for the Northland | Forward Together work programme (2015) is available below: