Draft Annual Plan 2013-2014 (ARCHIVED)

What is the Draft Annual Plan?

The main purpose of the Annual Plan is to provide updated financial information on the budget and rates for the 2013-2014 year, and to offer you, the community the opportunity to help determine where and how the budget is spent.

The Annual Plan 2013-2014 identifies any changes or additions to the financial information included in the Long Term Plan 2012-2022 for the 2013-2014 financial year.

For further detail it is important that this Draft Annual Plan is read in conjunction with the Long Term Plan 2012-2022.

Keeping rates as low as possible has been a key focus this year.  This plan calls for a general rates increase of 3% – that’s less than half of what was originally forecast in our Long Term Plan.

Despite changes to the Local Government Act late last year, the Draft Annual Plan contains little that has not already been planned for  – and consulted on – as part of last year’s LTP process.

This includes the use of investment income for regional economic development which councillors believe is a core public service given Northland's economic and socio-economic record in recent years.

One small proposed change in the Draft Annual Plan is a 1.8% increase in our fees and charges across most activity areas, to reflect inflation-related costs.

Request a printed copy

You can request a printed copy of the Draft Annual Plan Summary and/or the full Draft Annual Plan to be sent to you by clicking on the REQUEST A COPY link at the top right hand side of this page or by calling us on freephone 0800 002 004.

View Online

You can view or download a full copy of the Draft Annual Plan 2013-2014 and Summary document by clicking on the link/s below.


The submissions period for the Draft Annual Plan ran from 19 January to 21 February 2013.  During this time 18 submissions were received.  Hearings on submissions were held on 13 March 2013 and ten submitters spoke to their submissions. 

The deliberations meeting for councillors to discuss and decide on any changes they may wish to make as a result of the submissions process will be held on 26 March 2013.  

Find the agenda for the deliberations meeting in our Agendas and Minutes section.

Once council has finalised its decisions, staff will make changes to the final Annual Plan and this will be presented to councillors for adoption before June 30, 2013.  Once the final Annual Plan has been adopted, letters will be sent to all submitters outlining the decisions of council.

The draft plan is available below either as a complete file (2.5MB) or for those using dial-up Internet access, it has been separated into the following sections:

Draft Annual Plan (Overview) - Pages 1-16

  • Message from Chairman and Chief Executive
  • Your councillors
  • About this Draft Annual Plan
  • Key changes from the Long Term Plan
  • Overview – our strategic direction
  • About our consultation
  • Council’s objectives and vision
  • Financial overview

Draft Annual Plan (Rates and Funding) - Pages 17-40

  • Rating Funding Impact Statement
  • Rates
  • Prospective Funding Impact Statement
  • Summary table of rates

Draft Annual Plan (Our activities - financials) - Pages 41-end

Our activities

  • Resource Management
  • River Management
  • Economic Development
  • Hazard Management
  • Transport
  • Community Representation and Engagement
  • Support Services


  • Significant financial forecasting assumptions
  • Financial statements
  • Statement of Accounting Policies
  • Proposed amendments to the Navigation, Water Transport and Maritime Safety bylaw charges 2012
  • Draft charging policy 2013/14
  • Appendices to draft charging policy 2013/14

ISSN 1179-7878 (print)
ISSN 1179-7886 (online)