Annual Plan 2013-2014

This Annual Plan 2013/14 outlines the council's proposed budgets and rates for the coming year's activities.

The work programme is closely aligned with what is set out in the council's Long Term Plan 2012–2022 (LTP), adopted in June 2012. The Long Term Plan covers ten years with more focus on the first three years.

In the Annual Plan we highlight where a budget or proposal differs from what's in the LTP. The Plan summarises our activities and financial strategy rather than repeating the detailed information that is in the LTP. Copies of the LTP are available from council offices or our website:

Public consultation outcomes

Before making our final decisions on the council's work programme and budgets for the year ahead, we wanted to hear what the community thought and consulted with you in early 2013. Our draft Annual Plan did not propose any significant changes or variations from the direction set out for the 2013/14 year in the 2012-2022 LTP, other than proposed lower-than-projected general rates.

This section provides a brief summary of the submission issues raised in the 18 submissions we received on our draft Annual Plan. While our submission numbers were low, it is considered this reflects the fact this plan closely mirrors the direction already consulted on for the 2012-2022 LTP.


The submitters who commented on the proposed rate increase and were all in support of the proposed reduction, which has been retained in this final Annual Plan.

Freshwater management

Over half of the submitters who commented on this issue were in support of council's programme of works for Waiora Northland Water.

Regional Policy Statement

A number of submitters commented on resource management matters that are part of the development of the new RPS. These submissions were provided to the team working on the RPS as they could not be dealt with under the Local Government Act and this plan.

Flood protection improvements

Only one submission topic related to the targeted rate for the proposed capital works for the Kaeo-Whangaroa Rivers Flood Management Scheme. Staff will raise the submission with the Kaeo-Whangaroa River Management Liaison Committee, with any further feedback informing the next draft Annual or Long Term Plan if required.

Economic development

Four submitters commented on council's economic development activities. These comments were also raised and considered by council during the Long Term Plan 2012-2022 submissions process. Council has therefore decided to continue the activity as proposed in the Draft Annual Plan.

Funding requests

During the development of the Draft Annual Plan council decided due to the economic climate and pressure to keep rates low, not to allocate funds towards any new public requests for funding for the 2013/14 year. Council received six submissions that contained requests for funding from various organisations throughout Northland. These have not been granted.


The majority of the nine submitters who raised issues in relation to biosecurity requested increased funding and activity by council in this area. While the pressing need for biosecurity issues to be given attention by national and regional government was acknowledged, council determined to retain the budget provisions for this activity as provided for in the draft Annual Plan.


Three submitters raised issues in relation to genetic engineering/genetically modified organisms. Council supports a precautionary approach to GE and provides a contingency fund of $10,000 for assessing applications made to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Copies of the submissions received are available in the Annual Plan Deliberations Meeting Agenda - 26 March 2013

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You can request a printed copy of the Annual Plan to be sent to you by clicking on the REQUEST A COPY link at the top right hand side of this page or by calling us on freephone 0800 002 004.

View Online

Download a full copy of the Annual Plan 2013-2014 in PDF format from the links below. 

Due to the file size of the Annual Plan, it has been split into the following sections.



Message from Chairman and Chief Executive
Your councillors
About this Annual Plan
Key changes from the Long Term Plan
Overview – our strategic direction
Changes to the final Annual Plan
Council's objectives and vision
Financial overview

Rates and funding

Rating Funding Impact Statement
Prospective Funding Impact Statement
Summary table of rates

Council activities

Our activities
Resource management
River Management
Economic Development
Hazard Management
Community Representation and Engagement
Support Services



Significant financial forecasting assumptions
Financial statements
Statement of Accounting Policies
Amendments to the Navigation, Water Transport and Maritime Safety bylaw charges 2012
Charging policy 2013/14
Appendices to charging policy 2013/14


ISSN 1176-6255 (Print)
ISSN 1178-590X (Online)