16.5 What can you do to help?

Be prepared

There are four key steps (R's) to help you be prepared: Reduction, Readiness, Response and Recovery. Refer to the following page on the Regional Council website for more information:


While organisations can help in an emergency, individuals are ultimately responsible for protecting themselves and their property from the effects of disasters.

Or check out the information on the Ministry of Civil Defence's "Get Ready, Get Thru" website at the following link:


Text message alerts

Northlanders can now be warned of impending flood, tsunami or other civil defence emergencies via text message. More information is available on the Regional Council website at the following link:


Be aware

You should be aware of any hazard zones when purchasing or developing property. Check in District Plans and on LIM, Engineers' and Building reports for hazard zones and maps, risk of mass land movements and flood areas.