3.8 References

Department of Energy. 2006. Stay warm, save money and help the environment. Media release from Department of Energy, Nova Scotia: Canada. Available on website at the following link:


Hally, V. and Stevenson, C. 2002. Particulate Monitoring: Source determination of particulates in air using 14C – Whangarei. Report prepared for Northland Regional Council by Air and Environmental Services Limited. Auckland: New Zealand.

MFE. 2002. Ambient Air Quality guidelines – 2002 update. Air Quality Report No. 32 published by Ministry for the Environment. Wellington: New Zealand. Available on the Ministry for the Environment's website at the following link:


MFE. 2004. Resource Management (National Environmental Standards Relating to Certain Air Pollutants, Dioxins, and Other Toxics) Regulations 2004. National Environmental Standards for Air Quality introduced by Ministry for the Environment. Available on the Ministry for the Environment's website at the following link:


MFE. 2006. Gentle footprints – boots ‘n' all. Report published by the Ministry for the Environment. Chapter 5. Wellington: New Zealand. Available on the Ministry for the Environment's website at the following link:


MFE. 2007. New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990 – 2005. Report published by the Ministry for the Environment. Wellington: New Zealand. Available on Ministry for the Environment's website at the following link:


NRC. 2002. Regional Policy Statement for Northland. Produced by the Northland Regional Council. Latest version and current plan changes are available on the Regional Council's website at the following link:


NRC. 2003. Regional Air Quality Plan for Northland. Published by Northland Regional Council. Latest version and current plan changes are available on the Regional Council's website at the following link:
