Performance targets
The regional council will continue to implement and improve a prioritised State of the Environment (SOE) monitoring programme and monitor compliance with, and the effects of, the exercise of resource consents and regional plans by:
· Operating a region-wide hydrometric network for the measurement, recording and reporting of rainfall, river flows, lake, groundwater and tide levels – Achieved.
· Network required to have no more than seven days of missing records per site annually – Not Achieved (95% achieved as a result of instrument failure).
· Relevant information archived and available within three months of collection – Not achieved (58 percent achieved, non-archived data as a consequence of droughts and storms).
· Establish water management zones on a prioritised basis for allocation of freshwater resources by 31 December 2010 – Not Achieved (full report due 2012).
· Provide hydrometric information and advice in an accurate and timely way – Achieved.
· Report the results from the SOE monitoring programmes in the annual monitoring report and make available on the council's website at by 31 October each year- Not Achieved (loaded 4 weeks late).