Key points 2010-2011
· In general, groundwater in Northland is of a high enough quality that it can be consumed without treatment.
· Groundwater quality was monitored at 39 sites (wells or bores) throughout Northland; seven of them as part of the National Groundwater Monitoring Programme and 32 as part of the Regional Groundwater Quality SOE Programme.
· Five specific groundwater investigations were carried out on aquifers – Ruāwai, Russell, Taipā, Whatitiri and Maungakaramea, where a total of 14 sites were monitored.
· Groundwater levels were monitored at 73 sites.
· Six sites were age tested to determine the average age of the groundwater in certain aquifers in the region.
Northland Regional Council Groundwater and Monitoring Officer Sandrine Le Gars sampling groundwater.