Key points 2010-2011
Water quality samples were collected from 16 sites in both the Whāngārei Harbour and Bay of Islands and from nine sites in Kaipara Harbour.
Whāngārei Harbour
· Samples collected from sites in the outer harbour were more frequently within the recommended guideline values than sites within the upper harbour.
· None of the samples taken from five sites in the Hātea River were within guideline values for nutrients during 2010-2011.
Bay of Islands
· Levels of bacteria were low and a high percentage of samples were within the guideline values for dissolved oxygen and turbidity.
· A smaller number of samples were within guideline values for nutrients. Samples that exceeded the guideline tended to be collected from sites close to freshwater inputs (rivers and streams).
Kaipara Harbour
· Levels of bacteria were low in the harbour, with only one site recording levels of bacteria above the recommended guidelines.
· Samples taken from sites in the upper harbour exceeded recommended guideline values for nutrients more frequently than samples collected from the outer harbour.