Compliance monitoring

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Bore compliance monitoring

Bores are holes drilled vertically to pump groundwater. All drillers have to provide the Council with details of bores they have drilled (e.g. depth, diameter, location), and these bores are then registered on the Council's database. There are in excess of 4000 bores in the database, 98 of which were issued during 2009-2010.

All bores drilled under resource consent from the Council are monitored to ensure they comply with the conditions of their consent. During 2009-2010, 20 consented bores were monitored and 15 were found to be fully compliant. Of the remainder, five were found to have minor non-compliance. No formal enforcement action was taken in 2009-2010. The Council will continue to inspect for compliance with bore construction requirements in all the remaining new bores.