
Within this section…

The Northland Regional Council is responsible, under the Resource Management Act (1991), for the control of activities that may have a negative effect on our environment.

These activities – such as discharging a substance to air or water – are controlled by rules in Regional Plans, and if required, by resource consents.

In order to make sure that activities are not having an effect on the environment, the Council monitors compliance with these rules and the conditions of resource consents.

How is compliance measured?

When an activity is monitored, it is graded according to its level of compliance. Activities can:

· Be fully compliant – within the rules or resource consent limits;

· Have minor non-compliance – some evidence of minor/actual, or potential for minor effect on the environment); or

· Be significantly non-compliant – they are having, or have the potential to have, a major or significant effect on the environment.

In cases of significant non-compliance, the Council can take enforcement action to stop an activity, or fine or prosecute a serious offender, and restore the affected area.

Paint pollutes a stream.

Photo: Paint pollutes a stream