In 2008-09, the annual rainfall for Northland varied from 70% to 140% of the mean annual rainfall for the region. The maps below give a comparison between the mean annual rainfall for Northland and the annual rainfall recorded across Northland in 2008-09.
Northland's climate in 2008-09 was highly variable. Winter included heavy rain, severe winds, storm surges and flooding. Spring and summer were characterised by periods of settled weather broken by wet and stormy conditions. Autumn was more settled, however severe thunderstorm activity, lightning and flash flooding closed the season.
The MetService provides Regional Councils with frequent warnings of adverse weather systems. During 2008-09, 12 severe weather warnings were issued. Six of these severe weather warnings produced significant flooding in the region.
Photos: Thunderstorm activity over Bream Bay, on Northland's East coast