Future monitoring
In addition to existing monitoring programmes, the Council is planning to establish a carbon monoxide monitoring programme in Whangarei city. Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odourless, yet highly toxic gas which is found in, amongst other things, car exhaust fumes.
Photo: Backyard burning of rubbish
You can help reduce the amount of air pollution in our region by:
· Using low emission burners;
· Cleaning your chimney at least once a year;
· Never burning rubbish, plastics or treated wood in your wood fire;
· Never using coal in a wood burner;
· Avoid burning rubbish and vegetation in your backyard;
· Compost vegetation and recycle other materials.
Find out more www.nrc.govt.nz/backyardburning or for more information on the Regional Air Quality Plan go to www.nrc.govt.nz/raqp