Monitoring Results
In 2005-06 there was 279 farm dairy effluent consented discharges that met all their consent conditions and 286 that had minor non-compliance.
Farms reported as having minor non-compliance had water quality results that met their consent conditions but required maintenance on their system i.e. their pond needed cleaning or emptying due to excessive weed growth or solids.
A further 177 farms had significant non compliance with the conditions on their FDE resource consent, which means their water quality results did not meet consent conditions. Follow up visits by NRC staff were carried out on all farms with significantly non-compliant FDE treatment/disposal systems and formal enforcement action, including abatement and infringement notices, was taken where required.
The table below summarises the FDE Consented Discharges for 2005-06.
Full Consent Compliance | Minor non-compliance | Significant non-compliance | TOTAL |
279 | 286 | 177 | 742 |