
Spray safely

Anyone who uses weed or pest sprays for commercial purposes is required to hold a standard GROWSAFE certificate. This course trains people to apply agrichemicals safely and accurately in accordance with the Agrichemical Users' Code of Practice.

GROWSAFE training provides the knowledge for an operator do the spraying preventing spraydrift.  The courses show people how to reduce health risks to themselves, their families and friends and neighbours.

We want people to do the training so they learn how to prevent spraydrift and keep themselves safe.  Most people finish the course really enthusiastic about doing the spraying the right way.

What is a GROWSAFE course?

Standard GROWSAFE courses take about eight hours as one full day or two half days. They are held throughout Northland, as and when demand requires.  Contact the Agricultural Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for more details. Phone 0508 GROWSAFE (0508 476 972) or visit to find costs and training dates for a course near you.

Who needs to do one?

Commercial users must complete GROWSAFE training.  That is farmers, foresters and horticulturists including glasshouse growers, orchardists, viticulturists and vegetable and flower growers - in effect anyone who has a commercial operation in which herbicide or pesticide sprays are used. It also applies to any of their workers who do the spraying.

The fine print defines a commercial user as "any person(s) applying pesticide on their own property or their employer's property in the course of their business activities, including the application of pesticides on production land and industrial or trade premises."

Spray contractors have to complete training that meets stricter requirements than those applying to commercial users.