Benefits of Enviroschools
Sustainable resource management including reduction in waste to landfill from schools, increase in organic recycling, energy efficiency and water conservation.
Enhancing biodiversity and water quality through native planting and restoration projects. Healthy and stimulating school grounds through implementing student designs for playgrounds, organic gardens and wild areas.
Greener purchasing decisions in the school, and in the wider community as students implement their sustainable school practices at home.
Respect and care for the environment through a greater sense of connectedness.

Paparoa planting day.
Knowledge about a range of sustainability issues and how they relate to students lives.
Skills in decision-making and planning, with sustainability as a key criterion.
Cooperative working skills and experience in developing partnerships to achieve a project.
Leadership and project management experience from being envirogroup reps, zero waste monitors, school tour guides, project leaders etc.
The whole school becomes a learning resource – for students and the wider community.

Riverview School Eco-Warriors.
Financial savings through reducing resource consumption and waste production.
Greater use of sustainable businesses through raised awareness about the impact of consumer choice.
Student entrepreneurship through development and marketing of environmental products made at school – e.g. worm juice fertiliser, organic produce, seedlings, natural cosmetics.

Oruaiti School's honey logo.
Reduction in bullying and anti-social behaviour due to students working co-operatively on environmental projects that they care about.
Reduction in littering and vandalism through increased pride and appreciation of their school and local area.
Increased involvement of communities in local issues through students running publicity campaigns and inviting the assistance of local people.

River Kids clean up of local area.