Northport Limited - Port Expansion project at Marsden Point (Joint notification)
Hearing decision:
Decisions of the Hearing Panel on applications for resource consents made by Northport Limited (issued 9 July 2024). (PDF 972 KB)
Submissions closed Thursday, 15 December 2022.
Northland Regional Council (NRC) and Whangārei District Council (WDC) jointly received an application from Northport Limited for the Port Expansion project at Marsden Point.
Northport Limited
Application numbers:
The NRC reference number for this application is APP.005055.38.01
The WDC reference number for this application is LU 2200107
Ralph Trimmer Drive, Marsden Point, Whangārei.
Activity Description
The proposal seeks to enable the expansion of Northport’s existing facilities to increase freight storage and handling capacity, and support Northport’s transition into a high-density container terminal.
The application to the NRC is for:
- Approximately 11.7 hectares of reclamation and associated coastal structures for a 250 metre wharf extension.
- 1.72 million cubic metres of capital dredging and associated disposal and ongoing maintenance dredging.
- Riparian earthworks and associated stormwater diversions and discharges.
- Operational stormwater discharges from use of the reclamation area.
- Creation of an intertidal high tide bird roost.
- Ancillary coastal structures to the reclamation area for tug berths and a public pontoon.
The application made to the WDC is to:
- Apply the Port Zone permitted activity standards for Building and Major Structure Height to, and enable port operations within, the proposed reclamation area.
- Apply the Port Noise Standards (NZS 6809:1999) rather than the District Plan Noise standards to port operations on the proposed reclamation area, and across the existing Port.
- Undertake earthworks and vegetation clearance in the Coastal Area and erection of public toilets within the coastal setback.
- Change/cancel noise and landscape conditions on existing resource consents for consistency with the proposed activity.
A hard copy of the application documents may be viewed at:
- Whangārei District Council’s Ruakākā Service Centre, Takutai Place, Ruakākā; and
- The Whangārei Public Library, Rust Avenue, Whangārei.
An electronic copy of the application may be viewed below or:
Application documents
Public notice
Executive Summary Document:
NRC Application Documents:
- Application document AEE (PDF, 8.2MB)
- Appendix 1 Schedule 4 RMA checklist (PDF, 244KB)
- Appendix 2 Issues and Options Report (PDF 10.6MB)
- Appendix 3 Design Drawings (PDF, 7.2MB)
- Appendix 4 Noise Assessment (PDF, 9.6MB)
- Appendix 5 Draft Management Plans (PDF, 4.2MB)
- Appendix 6 Pocket Park Concept Plan (PDF, 5.6MB)
- Appendix 7 Certificates of Title (PDF, 3.5MB)
- Appendix 8 MACA Act Correspondence (PDF, 304KB)
- Appendix 9 Hydrodynamic Morphodynamic and Dredge Plume modelling reports (PDF, 13MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - BHD (PDF, 2.6MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - BHD_Bulking (PDF 1.1MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - BHD_Exceedence (PDF, 3.2MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - BHD_Exceedence_New Thresholds (PDF, 3.1MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - BHD_Snapshots (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - CSD (PDF, 10.5MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - CSD_Bulking (1.2MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - CSD_Exceedence (PDF, 3.3MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - CSD_Exceedence_New Thresholds (PDF, 3.1MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - CSD_Snapshots (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - Locations_Maps (PDF, 2.7MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - TSHD (PDF, 11.3MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - TSHD_Bulking (PDF, 5MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - TSHD_Exceedence (PDF, 2.6MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - TSHD_Exceedence_New Thresholds (PDF, 3.4MB)
- Attachment Appendix 9 - TSHD_Snapshots (PDF, 1.6MB)
- Appendix 10 Coastal Process Assessment (PDF, 7.2MB)
- Appendix 11 Assessment of Marine Ecological Effects (PDF 15MB)
- Appendix 12 Peer review of Assessment of Ecological Effects (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Appendix 13 Coastal Avifauna Assessment (PDF, 13.6MB)
- Appendix 14 Potential Effects on Marine Mammals (PDF, 4.8MB)
- Revised Appendix 15 Landscape Natural Character and Amenity Effects (PDF, 8.8MB)
- Appendix 16 Archaeology Assessment (PDF, 3.2MB)
- Appendix 17 Northland Marine Oil Spill Contingency Plan (PDF, 8.9MB)
- Appendix 18 Design Report (PDF, 6.3MB)
- Appendix 19 Recreation Effects Assessment (PDF, 8.8MB)
- Appendix 20 Stormwater Assessment (PDF, 7.8MB)
- Appendix 21 Air Quality Assessment (PDF, 19MB)
- Appendix 22 Economic Assessment (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Appendix 23 RNZ Crude Shipping Project resource consent (PDF, 12.8MB)
- Appendix 24 Cultural Effects and Values Assessments (PDF, 9.1MB)
- Appendix 25 Assessment of Underwater Noise Effects (PDF, 8.3MB)
- Appendix 26 Navigation Safety Report (PDF, 1.1MB)
- Appendix 27 Traffic Impact Assessment (PDF, 6.7MB)
- Appendix 28 Planning Policy Analysis (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Appendix 29 Marine Ecology Fieldwork and Stormwater Monitoring Reports (PDF, 12.5MB)
Additional Information provided post-lodgement
s92 Requests and Responses
Some of these documents are a large file size. If you would like to request smaller or individual files, contact: [email protected]
Request for Information - s92
- Section 92 Request for Further Information Letter - Northport (PDF, 378KB)
- Section 92 Request for Further Information Letter _2 - Northport - APP.005055.38.01 and LU2200107 (PDF, 204KB)
- Section 92 Clarifications - 5 July 2023 - Rev 2 (PDF 248 KB)
Response to Request for Information - s92
- Applicant’s s92 Response Letter (21 Feb 2023) (PDF, 645KB)
- Attachment 1 – 10: functional need, legal opinion, mana whenua, contamination, traffic, underwater noise (PDF, 11.1MB)
- Attachment 11 & 12: Revised Stormwater Assessment and air quality response (PDF, 27.8MB)
- Attachment 13: Hydrodynamic and Morphodynamic Modelling Reports (PDF, 24.6MB)
- Attachment 14: Economics response (PDF, 127KB)
- Agent's covering response re draft conditions - 21.04.2023 (PDF 681 KB)
- WDC draft conditions - working draft 21.4.23 (PDF 439 KB)
- NRC draft conditions - working draft 21.4.23 (Excludes turbidity conditions) (PDF 1.59 MB)
- Traffic Modelling Calculations 2023.04.27 (XLSX 3.39 MB)
- Additional avifauna analysis 2022.11.25 (PDF 8.54 MB)
- Terrestrial Ecological Assessment (Vegetation Removal) 2023.05.05 (PDF 1.78 MB)
- Updated visual simulations (PDF 7.2 MB)
Response to s92 Clarification letter
- WDC resource consent decision _17 (WDC - LUC _3) (PDF 463 KB)
- T T Coastal Processes Supplementary Memo (22 May 2023) (PDF 135 KB)
- Supplementary Avifauna Response (8 July 2023) (PDF 312 KB)
- Simulations - 2022005 Berth 4 5 Turning Basin Swings (PDF 909 KB)
- Simulations - 2021001 Tianjin Bridge Study (PDF 388 KB)
- Simulations - 2022004 New Panamax Turning Basin Study (PDF 239 KB)
- Simulations - 2020006 Operational Use of RNZ Jetty 3 with Proposed Northport Berths 4 and 5 (PDF 372 KB)
- Simulations - 2020004 Post Panamax Container Ship Study Draft (PDF 47 KB)
- Ecology North Duneland Vegetation Survey (Feb 2023) (PDF 3.81 MB)
- Compiled Plan Set - O14656 and O14656a (Rev B - July 2023) (PDF 2.33 MB)
- Northport response to s92 clarifications (23 July 2023) (PDF 694 KB)
- Supplementary terrestrial vegetation assessment (20 July 2023) (PDF 2.5 MB)
Hearing Panel Directions
- Northport - Expansion Project - Direction No.1 (PDF 118 KB)
- Direction No. 2 - Expert Conferencing - 7 August 2023 (PDF 120 KB)
- Direction No. 3 - Evidence Exchange (PDF 144 KB)
- Direction No. 4 - Evidence Exchange - 25 August 2023 (PDF 133 KB)
- Direction No. 5 - Evidence Exchange - 04.09.2023 (PDF 132 KB)
- Direction No. 6 - Evidence Exchange - 13.09.2023 (PDF 132 KB)
- Direction No. 7 - Evidence Exchange - 13.09.2023 (PDF 142 KB)
- Direction No. 8 - Evidence Exchange - 14.09.2023 (PDF 135 KB)
- Direction No. 9 - Excused Witnesses - 03.10.2023 (PDF 95 KB)
- Direction No. 10 - Additional Excused Witnesses - 04.10 (PDF 125 KB)
- Direction No. 11 - Takahiwai Marae - 24.10.2023 (PDF 101 KB)
- Direction No. 12 - 01.11.2023 (PDF 91 KB)
- Direction No. 13 - Semenoff Stadium - 20.11.2023 (PDF 89 KB)
- Minute No. 1 - 03.11.2023 (PDF 88 KB)
- Direction No. 14 - Hearing Adjournment (PDF 123 KB)
- Direction 15 - Further Information - 01.12.2023 (PDF 153 KB)
- Direction 15 - Further Information - NRC conditions Hearing Panel Comments (PDF 1.66 MB)
- Direction 15 - Further Information - WDC conditions Hearing Panel Comments (PDF 637 KB)
- Direction No. 16 (PDF 195 KB)
- Direction No. 17 - Stormwater ADR (PDF 289 KB)
- Direction No. 18 - Reconvened Hearing (PDF 221 KB)
- Minute No 2 - 02.04.2024 (DOCX 61 KB)
- Direction No. 19 - Stormwater JWS (PDF 175 KB)
- Minute No. 3 - 17.06.2024 (PDF 511 KB)
Expert Conferencing Directions
s42A Staff Report
- s42A Staff Report (PDF 4.09 MB)
- Appendix A Section 95 Notification Decision Report (PDF 309 KB)
- Appendix B Summary of Submissions (PDF 321 KB)
- Appendix C1 Coastal Processes (PDF 313 KB)
- Appendix C2 Landscape, Natural Character and Visual Amenity (PDF 280 KB)
- Appendix C3 Marine Ecology (PDF 847 KB)
- Appendix C4 Avifauna (PDF 339 KB)
- Appendix C5 Marine Mammals (PDF 452 KB)
- Appendix C6 Navigation and Safety (PDF 259 KB)
- Appendix C7 Terrestrial Noise (PDF 485 KB)
- Appendix C8 Recreation (PDF 390 KB)
- Appendix C9 Stormwater (PDF 1.24 MB)
- Appendix C10 Air Quality (PDF 262 KB)
- Appendix C11 Transport (PDF 307 KB)
- Appendix C12 Terrestrial Ecology (PDF 277 KB)
- Appendix C13 Hydrodynamic, Morphology and Sediment Transport Modelling (PDF 1.22 MB)
- Appendix C14 Economic (PDF 417 KB)
- Appendix C15 Port Demand Design and Operations (PDF 239 KB)
- Appendix C16 Underwater Noise (PDF 290 KB)
- Appendix D - To be provided 11 August 2023 (PDF 102 KB)
- Appendix D - NRC Recommended Conditions 18 August 2023 (PDF 1.44 MB)
- Appendix D - WDC Recommended Conditions 18 August 2023 (PDF 450 KB)
s42A Staff Report Addendum - 16 November 2023
- NRC legal submissions - Northport (PDF 220 KB)
- s42A Report Addendum (16 November 2023) (PDF 322 KB)
- Appendix A1 - Turbidity (Hydrodynamic, Morphology and Sediment Transport Modelling) (PDF 1.44 MB)
- Appendix A2 - Marine Ecology (PDF 396 KB)
- Appendix A3 - Avifauna (PDF 178 KB)
- Appendix A4 - Terrestrial Noise (PDF 151 KB)
- Appendix A5 - Recreation (PDF 145 KB)
- Appendix A6 - Stormwater (PDF 197 KB)
- Appendix A6 - Stormwater - Attachment 1 (PDF 4.97 MB)
- Appendix A6 - Stormwater - Attachment 2 (PDF 496 KB)
- Appendix A7 - Transport (PDF 161 KB)
- NRC Conditions - s24A Addendum (PDF 2.83 MB)
- WDC Conditions - s24A Addendum (PDF 882 KB)
- A Curtis Evidence Air Quality (PDF 3.39 MB)
- B Beamsley Evidence Hydrodynamicsmorphodynamics (PDF 1.86 MB)
- B Goodchild Evidence Navigation Safety (PDF 439 KB)
- B Hood Evidence Planning Attachment 1 3 (PDF 13.26 MB)
- B Hood Evidence Planning Attachment 4 Clean NRC Conditions (PDF 2.26 MB)
- B Hood Evidence Planning Attachment 4 Clean WDC Conditions (PDF 481 KB)
- B Hood Evidence Planning Attachment 4 Marked Up NRC Conditions (PDF 5.52 MB)
- B Hood Evidence Planning Attachment 4 Marked Up WDC Conditions (PDF 2.24 MB)
- B Hood Evidence Planning Attachment 4 WDC Conditions Plan Berth 5 Rev B Aerial (PDF 798 KB)
- B Hood Evidence Planning Attachment 4 WDC Conditions Plan Berth 5 Rev B (PDF 265 KB)
- B Hood Evidence Planning Attachment 4 WDC Conditions Planting Plan (PDF 72 KB)
- B Hood Addendum Evidence Planning 13 9 23 (PDF 187 KB)
- C Fitzgerald Evidence Terrestrial Accoustics (PDF 18.47 MB)
- D Clement Evidence Marine Mammals (PDF 489 KB)
- D Isaacs Evidence Cultural (PDF 478 KB)
- G Akehurst Evidence Economics (PDF 535 KB)
- G Blomfield Evidence Company (PDF 3.81 MB)
- J Blackburn Evidence Stormwater (PDF 6.71 MB)
- J Moore Evidence Company (PDF 1.11 MB)
- J Pettersson Environmental Management (PDF 5.42 MB)
- J Stanway Evidence Structural (PDF 1.05 MB)
- L Bull Evidence Coastal Avifauna (PDF 7.12 MB)
- M Jagger Evidence Company Board (PDF 273 KB)
- M Pine Evidence Underwater Acoustics (PDF 486 KB)
- Mahim Khanna Evidence Port Operations (PDF 1.39 MB)
- N Harrison Evidence Transport (PDF 275 KB)
- P Mitchell Evidence Planning (PDF 351 KB)
- Professor D Fox Evidence Turbidity Methodology (PDF 1.02 MB)
- R Greenaway Evidence Recreation (PDF 1.01 MB)
- R Reinen Hamill Evidence Coastal Processes (PDF 421 KB)
- R Sneddon Evidence Marine Ecology Peer Review (PDF 296 KB)
- S Brown Evidence Landscape (PDF 7.1 MB)
- S Flynn Evidence Ecology (PDF 246 KB)
- S Kelly Evidence Marine Ecology (PDF 3.48 MB)
Submitter evidence
- Channel Infrastructure update letter (PDF 3.06 MB)
- D-G - Statement of Evidence - Avifauna (PDF 1.24 MB)
- D-G - Statement of Evidence - Planning (PDF 2.51 MB)
- KiwiRail - Corporate Evidence - David Gordon (PDF 895 KB)
- M Kepa - Statement of Evidence (PDF 97 KB)
- Marsden Cove Limited and Marsden Cove Canals Management Limited - Statement of Evidence - Coastal (PDF 181 KB)
- Marsden Cove Limited and Marsden Cove Canals Management Limited - Statement of Evidence - Marine Ecology (PDF 98 KB)
- Marsden Cove Limited and Marsden Cove Canals Management Limited - Statement of Evidence - Noise Expert (PDF 84 KB)
- Marsden Cove Limited and Marsden Cove Canals Management Limited - Statement of Evidence - Planning (PDF 92 KB)
- Patuharakeke Cultural Landscape (PDF 1.53 MB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Statement of Evidence - Cultural Evidence (PDF 338 KB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Statement of Evidence - Marine ecology evidence (PDF 370 KB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Statement of Evidence - Marine Mammals (PDF 261 KB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Statement of Evidence - Hydrodynamics and coastal processes (PDF 183 KB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Statement of Evidence - Planning (PDF 362 KB)
- WDC Infrastructure Planning - Statement of Evidence (PDF 513 KB)
- Waka Kotahi - Statement of Evidence - Corporate (PDF 190 KB)
- Waka Kotahi - Joint Statement - Transport and Planning (PDF 242 KB)
Applicant's Rebuttal Evidence
- B Beamsley rebuttal statement (hydrodynamic modelling) (PDF 1.43 MB)
- B Goodchild rebuttal statement (navigation) (PDF 342 KB)
- B Hood rebuttal statement (planning) (PDF 407 KB)
- B Hood Attachment 1 WDC conditions (PDF 9.42 MB)
- B Hood Attachment 2 NRC Conditions (PDF 2.08 MB)
- D Clement rebuttal statement (marine mammals) (PDF 549 KB)
- D Isaacs rebuttal statement (cultural) (PDF 257 KB)
- J Pettersson rebuttal statement (environmental management) (PDF 200 KB)
- L Bull rebuttal statement (avifauna) (PDF 1.88 MB)
- N Harrison rebuttal statement (transport) (PDF 248 KB)
- P Mitchell rebuttal statement (planning) (PDF 360 KB)
- R Reinen-Hamill rebuttal statement (coastal processes) (PDF 1.47 MB)
- S Kelly rebuttal statement (marine ecology) (PDF 306 KB)
Hearing documents
- Statement of C R Howell (PDF 95 KB)
- Statement of M Duindam (PDF 258 KB)
- Director-General of Conservation Legal Submissions Northport October 2023 - DOC-7462704 Final (PDF 998 KB)
- Northport Limited - Opening Legal Submission (PDF 835 KB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Legal Submissions (PDF 347 KB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Counsel's Notes (PDF 142 KB)
- M Kepa - Closing Statement (PDF 101 KB)
Tabled documents
- B Beamsley summary statement (PDF 107 KB)
- B Goodchild summary statement (PDF 83 KB)
- B Hood summary statement (PDF 207 KB)
- Director-General of Conservation Legal Speaking Notes in Reply - Northport (PDF 117 KB)
- D-G C Dr Beauchamp Summary Avifauna Summary Speaking Notes - Northport (PDF 125 KB)
- D Clement summary statement (PDF 124 KB)
- D Isaacs summary statement (PDF 82 KB)
- DoC - Summary Statement of L Kirk (PDF 2.8 MB)
- Forest and Bird - Legal submissions (PDF 555 KB)
- Forest and Bird - Legal Submission (PDF 555 KB)
- G Akehurst summary statement (PDF 131 KB)
- G Blomfield summary statement (PDF 87 KB)
- J Blackburn summary statement (PDF 79 KB)
- J Moore summary statement (PDF 84 KB)
- J Pettersson summary statement (PDF 104 KB)
- L Bull summary statement (PDF 125 KB)
- Marsden Maritime Holdings - statement of R Mercer (PDF 741 KB)
- M Jagger summary statement (PDF 101 KB)
- Memorandum of counsel for Channel Infrastructure - presented at hearing (PDF 2.8 MB)
- Northland Chamber of Commerce - Speaking Notes (PDF 133 KB)
- N Harrison summary statement (PDF 108 KB)
- P Bennett (PDF 156 KB)
- Patuharakeke Summary Statement of T Brough (PDF 128 KB)
- Patuharakeke Summary Statement of J Chetham (PDF 106 KB)
- Patuharakeke Summary Statement - Planning - M Dalton (PDF 125 KB)
- Patuharakeke Summary Statement of K Bryan (PDF 83 KB)
- Patuharakeke Summary Statement of Dr R Bulmer (PDF 86 KB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Statement of David Milner (PDF 475 KB)
- R Greenaway summary statement (PDF 100 KB)
- R Reinen-Hamill summary statement (PDF 107 KB)
- S Brown summary statement (PDF 147 KB)
- S Flynn summary statement (PDF 72 KB)
- S Kelly summary statement (PDF 137 KB)
- Speaking Notes - Northland Chamber of Commerce (PDF 133 KB)
- Speaking notes - Northland Inc. - Vaughan Cooper (PDF 66 KB)
- Statement of Clinton Heath Jack Craw (PDF 320 KB)
- Statement of Stan Semenoff (PDF 119 KB)
- Statement of Bream Head Conservation Trust (PDF 227 KB)
- Statement of C J Niblock - WDC (PDF 234 KB)
- Statement of R Twyman (PDF 116 KB)
- Statement of S Tyson (PDF 632 KB)
- Statement of A Skingley - Swire Shipping (PDF 79 KB)
- Statement of Luana Pirihi on behalf of Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust (PDF 154 KB)
- Statement of Te Rauaroha Deja Tuhoro on behalf of Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust (PDF 41 KB)
- Statement of Hollie Kereopa on behalf of Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust (PDF 7.89 MB)
- Statement of M Fletcher (PDF 82 KB)
- Statement of P and E Vaughan (PDF 1.16 MB)
- Statement of E Pepene (PDF 38 KB)
- Submitter Evidence Summary - Steve Mutton (Corporate) for Waka Kotahi (PDF 191 KB)
- Supplementary Statement of Evidence- Steve Mutton for Waka Kotahi (PDF 614 KB)
- Te Araroa Northland Trust - Supplementary Submission (PDF 103 KB)
- Waka Kotahi Legal Submissions (PDF 171 KB)
- Waka Kotahi - Northport Joint Supplementary Statement 11 Oct 23 (PDF 827 KB)
Applicant's closing submissions
- Northport interim closing submissions - 21.11.2023 (PDF 670 KB)
- Northport interim closing submissions - Appendix A - Updated proposed NRC conditions (PDF 3.86 MB)
- Northport interim closing submissions - Appendix A - Updated proposed WDC conditions (PDF 1.73 MB)
- Further & final closing submissions for Northport (PDF 365 KB)
- Operational Stormwater Conditions Insert (PDF 214 KB)
- Appendix 2 - Stormwater Monitoring Analytes (PDF 144 KB)
Applicant's revised proposed conditions
- Memorandum of counsel - further updated proposed conditions (PDF 213 KB)
- Table 1 - NRC Draft Conditions - NRC Recommended Amendments and Northport Response (PDF 72 KB)
- Table 2 - WDC draft conditions (construction) - WDC recommended Amendments and Northport Response (PDF 73 KB)
- Table 3 - WDC draft conditions (operations) - WDC recommended Amendments and Northport Response (PDF 90 KB)
- Updated draft NRC conditions (clean) (PDF 2.77 MB)
- Updated draft NRC conditions (tracked for hearing) (PDF 2.47 MB)
- Updated WDC conditions (construction) (clean) (PDF 579 KB)
- Updated WDC conditions (construction) (tracked for hearing) (PDF 800 KB)
- Updated WDC conditions (operations) (clean) (PDF 661 KB)
- Updated WDC conditions (operations) (tracked for hearing) (PDF 811 KB)
Additional documents
- Northport memo of counsel (PDF 216 KB)
- Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust - Memorandum of Counsel 1 (PDF 110 KB)
- Memo of counsel re Northport evidence (PDF 825 KB)
- Memorandum of Counsel on behalf of the Director-General of Conservation dated 4 September 2023 - DOC-7438304 (PDF 70 KB)
- Email from Waka Kotahi (PDF 146 KB)
- Memorandum on behalf of Channel Infrastructure re evidence exchange - September 2023 (PDF 257 KB)
- Memorandum of Counsel for Seafuels Ltd (PDF 52 KB)
- Hearing document - Memorandum of Counsel responding to Direction 9 (PDF 209 KB)
- Seafuels Limited - Update to position (PDF 577 KB)
- Marsden Cove Limited and Marsden Cove Canals Management - update on position (PDF 684 KB)
- Northport Limited - Memorandum of Counsel - 27.10.2023 (PDF 217 KB)
- Director-General of Conservation - Memorandum of Counsel - 02.11.2023 (PDF 176 KB)
- Memorandum of Counsel for Northport - 22.11.2023 (PDF 266 KB)
- Memorandum of counsel - dated 26.01.2024 (PDF 211 KB)
- Memorandum of Counsel - dated 22.02.2024 (PDF 155 KB)
- Memorandum of Counsel dated 22.02.2024 - Attachment (PDF 10.18 MB)
- Memorandum of Counsel dated 07.03.2024 (PDF 222 KB)
- Response to Direction No. 17 from Applicant (PDF 233 KB)
- Memorandum of counsel - fourth monthly report on engagement with PTITB (PDF 728 KB)
- Correspondence from P and E Vaughan (PDF 2.54 MB)
Expert Conferencing - Joint Witness Statements
- Joint Witness Statement - Transport Planning - 5 September 2023 (PDF 304 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Avifauna _ Planning - 20 September 2023 (PDF 171 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Terrestrial Noise - 21 September 2023 (PDF 1.16 MB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Recreation _ Planning - 21 September 2023 (PDF 223 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Landscape & Planning - 21 September 2023 (PDF 167 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Coastal Processes & Planning - 22 September 2023 (PDF 180 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Navigation _ Planning - 25 September 2023 (PDF 188 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Marine Ecology _ Planning - 25 September 2023 (PDF 190 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Recreation - Addendum 25 September 2023 (PDF 270 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Planning - 28 September 2023 (PDF 542 KB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Planning - 9 November 2023 (PDF 3.26 MB)
- Joint Witness Statement - Stormwater, Groundwater & Planning - 06 May 2024 (PDF 925 KB)