7.6 What can you do to help?

The following are some key ways you can be involved in reducing the risk of coastal hazards to yourself and others.

Coastal hazard zones

Contact the relevant District Council or the Regional Council before purchasing or developing on a coastal property. Check out where the property is located with respect to the coastal hazard zones in District plans.

Coast care

Help protect our coast by sticking to Northland's CoastCare code.

If you want to make a real difference, become involved in the work of a local coast care group or establish a coast care group in your area and join in at a community planting day near you. For more information on coast care groups refer to the coastal management chapter of this report or contact the Coast Care coordinator on 0800 002 004.

Vehicles on beaches

Inappropriate vehicle use on beaches can exacerbate erosion of the foreshore. For more information refer to the ‘Driving On The Beach' brochure on the Regional Council website at the following link:

Driving safely on the Beach

Be prepared

Be prepared for a coastal hazard, especially if you live near the coast. For more information on hazard preparation, refer to the Natural Hazards chapter of this report or seek advice on the Ministry for Civil Defence and Emergency Management's website at the following link:
