Register of pecuniary interests

At the beginning of each three-year council term, elected members are asked to disclose known pecuniary interests.

The pecuniary interests that must be disclosed fall into these broad categories:

  • Companies where a councillor is a director or significant shareholder
  • Other companies or entities in which a councillor has a pecuniary interest
  • A councillor’s employer(s)
  • Trusts in which a councillor has an interest
  • Organisations of which a councillor is a member, if the organisation receives or applies for funding from NRC
  • Any organisation in which a councillor holds office by virtue of being an elected member
  • Real estate in which a councillor has and interest, including where the property is held in a trust of which the councillor is a beneficiary
  • Overseas travel, except where travel costs and accommodation were paid for in full by the councillor or a defined family member
  • Gifts, including hospitality and donations over $500 from the same donor
  • Payments received for activities in which a councillor is involved.

This document is the summary of annual returns as at 29 February 2024