Annual Plan 2011-2012

What is the Annual Plan?

The main purpose of the Annual Plan is to provide updated financial information on the budget and rates for the 2011-2012 year.

The Annual Plan 2011-2012 supports the Council’s Long Term Council Community Plan (known as the Northland Community Plan 2009-2019) and focusses on identifying any changes or additions, rather than repeating the detailed information contained in the Community Plan.

It is important that this Annual Plan is read in conjunction with the Northland Community Plan 2009-2019.

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Copies of the adopted Plan will be available mid-late July.

You can request a printed copy of the Annual Plan to be sent to you by clicking on the REQUEST A COPY link at the top right hand side of this page or by calling us on freephone 0800 002 004.

View Online

You can view or download a full copy of the Annual Plan 2011-2012 by clicking on the link below.

Summary of outcomes from public consultation

The Council included a number of new proposals in the Draft Annual Plan for feedback from the community.  We received 220 submissions before the deadline date and comments on all the proposals.  The Council’s decisions on these proposals and other issues raised in submissions are summarised below:

Redirection of investment income

The Council agreed to redirect the Council’s investment income from subsidising the funding of council services to establishing the Northland Regional Council Investment and Growth Reserve.  As a consequence rates will increase on average by $17.80 (including GST) annually for the next five years.  The reserve will be used to fund projects that increase Northland’s economic performance and improve the environmental, social and cultural wellbeing of Northlanders.

The comments/suggestions received during consultation will be utilised to develop the funding criteria for project selection. No funds will be spent on new projects until the criteria have been approved by the Council.

Roadside weed control programme

The roadside weed control programme funding was rejected by the Council in order to keep the rates increase as low as possible.  Officers will facilitate discussions with key stakeholders on improvements to the current eradication programmes.

Whāngārei Urban River Management Rate

A new Whāngārei Urban River Management Rate will be established for 2011-12 to fund Stage One of the CBD Flood Scheme.  The works will cost $681,697 and includes maintenance of the existing river channels and bridges with the replacement of the Rust Avenue Bridge.  The works will be funded through a differentiated uniform annual charge as follows:

  • Commercial properties in the CBD flood area will pay $247.83 (including GST)
  • Residential properties in the CBD flood area will pay $94.19 (including GST)
  • Properties in the contributing water catchment area will pay $33.21 (including GST)

In response to public submissions the Council chose a funding regime that removed the district portion, as proposed in the Draft Annual Plan, in keeping with the other river management rates.

Kaeo-Whangaroa River Management Rate

The new Kaeo-Whangaroa River Management Rate will fund Stage One of the Kaeo flood scheme works valued at $637,577 (including GST).  The works involve constructing a stopbank immediately east of the Kaeo township; raising State Highway 10 east of the police station; constructing a deflection bank near the cemetery and installing a river bypass spillway near the school stopbank.  Stages Two and Three of the flood scheme proposed in the Draft Annual Plan are on hold.  The new rate will be $74.53 (including GST) for all ratepayers in the former Whangaroa Ward and includes the river maintenance works in the area.

Kaihū River Management Scheme

The Council will continue with the next stage in the feasibility study for the flood management scheme for Kaihū Valley, Dargaville.  Officers will liaise with affected landowners and the Liaison Committee on the configuration of the scheme, including spillway dimensions and locations.

Dangerous Dams Policy

During the Annual Plan consultation the Council also consulted on a revised Dangerous Dams Policy.  Legislative amendments introduced two new dam categories to the policy – earthquake-prone and flood-prone dams.  The Council adopted the policy as released for public consultation.

Mangrove management

The Council received numerous requests for continuing the one-off mangrove management funding from 2010-11.  An evaluation of the current project funding will be undertaken before the Council makes a decision on any further funding.


Numerous submitters requested the Council reaffirm its position on GE/GMOs in the Annual Plan.  The provisions within the Northland Community Plan 2009-19 remain in place and therefore do not require restating in the 2011-12 Annual Plan. No additional funding has been committed.

EnviroSchools Programme Funding

The Council has increased the funding for the EnviroSchools Programme by $149,500 (including GST) to replace the withdrawn government funding.

Navigation Safety Bylaw 2011

The proposed changes to the bylaw were adopted and the bylaw will come into effect on 1 July 2011.  The bylaw changes amended definitions and fee categories; will allow Council to grant or renew mooring licences whether or not they have a resource consent, cancel mooring licences for specific situations, inspect moorings and set mooring guidelines.  A further review of the bylaw is scheduled for later in the year.

Charging Policy

The Council adopted the new fees and charges as outlined in the revised Charging Policy.

Navigation, Water Transport and Maritime Safety Bylaw Charges 2010

The revised bylaw was adopted and included the removal of some fees that were no longer required; increases in fees between 10-20% to better reflect the time involved with proactively managing problems and issues associated with moorings and improving/maintaining navigation aids; increasing the number of small ships that fall in the lower fee category for pilotage fees to encourage more superyachts to the Bay of Islands; and definition changes of ‘maritime facility’ and ‘mooring’.

ISSN 1176-6255 (Print)
ISSN 1178-590X (Online)