Economic development

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Council is keen to lift the economic performance of Northland – increasing gross domestic product (GDP), expanding job opportunities and raising household income.  Economic development is vital for generating the resources needed to address some of the pressing problems affecting Northland such as poor housing, health and education.

Cities, districts and regions in New Zealand compete against their peers in other parts of the world for the same capital and same skilled workers. To succeed, local authorities need to ensure that they not only offer a good life and effective infrastructure and services, they must also promote these attributes internationally.

As a regional authority, council makes a significant contribution to the economic development of Northland through delivering well its core functions such as environmental management and infrastructure development such as flood protection.  Council considers it is also in a unique position to commit additional resources to specific economic development activities.  These include:

  • supporting Northland Inc. Limited – a Council Controlled Organisation – that operates with a mission to strengthen, diversify and grow the Northland economy;
  • investing in economic development projects via funding from the Investment and Growth Reserve;
  • monitoring and reporting on the Northland economy; and
  • working with other local authorities, central government and others who share similar aspirations to improve the economic performance of Northland.
Find out about Northland's economic development agency.
See which projects have been funded through the Investment and Growth Reserve.
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